Zadovoljstvo nam je najaviti dane argentinskog tanga u Šibeniku u sklopu šibenskog plesnog festivala od 25-29.07.2017. Kroz ovih 5 dana očekuje nas uvodni koncert orkestra Libercuatro uz plesnu pratnju na prekrasnoj tvrđavi Barone, uvodni sat te semirar od 3 radionice argentinskog tanga za početnike, radionica chacarere(argentinskog folklornog plesa), a sve završavamo velikom milongom ispred gradske Vijećnice.
It’s our pleasere to announce days of argentinean tango in Šibenik as part of the Šibenik dancing festival from 25 till 29 July. During this 5 days there will be held opening concert of Libercuatro orquestra accompanied with dancing couple on the beautiful Barone fortress, introduction class and seminar of 3 workshops of argentinean tango for beginners, chacarera workshop ( argentinean folklor dance ), and everything will be closed with big milonga in front of the City hall.
utorak / tuesday 25.07.
09h uvodni sat, prezentacija argentinskog tanga/ introduction class, presentation of argentinean tango
22:30h-koncert “Tango kroz vrijeme” , Libercuatro orkestar, tango plesači Boštjan Fajdiga i Lucija Lovrić/ concert “Tango through time”, orquestra Libercuatro, tango dancers Boštjan Fajdiga & Lucija Lovrić
srijeda / wednesday 26.07.
19-20:30- radionica argentinskog tanga za početnike 1/ workshop of argentinean tango for beginners 1, Rafael Ramirez & Lucija Lovrić
četvrtak / thursday 27.07.
19-20:30- radionica argentinskog tanga za početnike 2/ workshop of argentinean tango for beginners 2,Rafael Ramirez & Lucija Lovrić
petak / friday 28.07.
19-20:30- radionica argentinskog tanga za početnike 3/ workshop of argentinean tango for beginners 3,Rafael Ramirez & Lucija Lovrić
subota / saturday 29.07.
20-21h-radionica chacarrere/chacarera workshop,Rafael Ramirez & Lucija Lovrić
22h-milonga ispred gradske vijećnice/ milonga in front of the City hall
Koncert na tvrđavi Barone 50kn /concert on the Barone fortress 50kn
Radionice/workshops: 1 radionica 150kn, a cijeli seminar od 3 radionice 400kn/ 1 workshop 150 kn, and whole seminar of 3 workhops 400 kn
radionica chacarere 70kn/chacarera workshop 70kn
Milonga: dobrovoljna donacija/ free donation
Radionice će se održavati u festivalskim dvoranama. Više informacija uskoro/ Workshops will take place in festival’s halls. More info soon
Prijave za radionice i sve upite vezano za cijeli program možete slati na
Vidimo se i plešemo u Šibeniku!